Working with Azure Service bus using dotnet core
Pricing information: MS Docs: Overview
NOTE Basic Tier cannot create topics!!!
Create and start subscriber
- Add package: Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus (v3.1.0 as of today)
- Provide a connection string
- TransportType = AmqpWebSockets is required when behind a proxy
- EntityPath is required, set it to the name of the Topic when using topics
- There needs to be an active subscription for the listener to start receiving messages
- Alternatively, compose a connection string using ServiceBusConnectionStringBuilder
- Use the ITopicClient to connect to a topic
ITopicClient topicClient = new TopicClient(ServiceBusConnectionString, TopicName);
// If behind proxy:
topicClient.ServiceBusConnection.TransportType = TransportType.AmqpWebSockets;
Creating a Receiver daemon process
- Use Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus.SubscriptionClient
using Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus;
var connectionStringBuilder = new ServiceBusConnectionStringBuilder(connString);
var subscriptionName = "my-subscription";
var subscriber = new SubscriptionClient(connectionStringBuilder, subscriptionName)
- Register a message handler
// MyClassThatHandlesMessage is a type that has a Handle method
// with the signature: public Task Handle(Message message, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var handler = new MyClassThatHandlesMessage();
subscriber.RegisterMessageHandler(async (message, cancellationToken) => {
await handler.Handler(message, cancellationToken);
Stuff to think about
- When to trigger retry?
- The design needs to take due care when catching and throwing exceptions.
- What happens to DeadLetter queues? Their is automatic retries for the number of retries configured, but what happens when a message fails even after retry?
- If a subscriber was building eventual state based on message received, the internal state would not be accurate if messages are unprocessed (lying in the deadletter queue for instance)
- Configure number of retries, pre-fetch, lock duration and type